Why run, when you can fly. The Exxon Mobil Industrial Lubricants motto's for heavy machinery and industries. I was invited for the second time by Timur Lube Sdn Bhd, Kuching to emcee the seminar in Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites.
The participants arrived at around 8:00am and after registering their names, all of them received a goody bag with all the information about the seminar and the update on Exxon Mobil products and services. Most of the participants are from the government departments and semi government companies, people who are involved in the heavy machinery sectors. The media was also invited and later they were invited to another room for a press conference about the event.
Now, I understand a little bit more about lubrication by listening to what the invited speakers were saying. Do you know that crude oil in America was found by the Red Indians? They used it as a medicine for headaches and stomachaches.Yes, they eat it. Putting other stuffs in order to increase your car engine capacity and longevity is not advisable, this is because it might makes your engine having major problems, especial the temperature of your car engine.
Here are some pictures from the seminar.
The flying red horse |
The backdrop |
The goody bags |
Mr. Kevin Law, Timur Lubes Executive Director during the introduction of Timur Lubes Sdn Bhd | |
The participants giving their full attentions during the seminar |
This is during the grease experimental game |
Juliette Xu, Regional Account Manager Distributor Markets & Mr Kevin Law, Executive Director of Timur Lubes Sdn Bhd |
The group photo |
The half day seminar was a successful event, the evaluation forms was all filled up.
We all proceed to Aurora Court's for lunch right after the group photo.
My thanks to Timur Lubes Sdn Bhd and their team for inviting me to host the seminar.
Hamzani Production
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